By Joe Butta and Steve Daskal

Christian Messianic Analysis and Apologetics

The decline and marginalization of Christianity in America is the fault of the American people, not the American government. The answer is Christ, not politics.

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  1. I enjoyed your post. In my opinion, America is the Whore of Babylon mentioned in the book of Revelation. When i first read the book as a child i immediately recognized similarities. Many people forget that all “blessings” do not come from God. Satan controls the world and rewards his followers. The penalty for worshiping him is the loss of eternal life. America is under the dominion of demonic spirits. The spirits of violence, greed, hatred, racism, sexual immorality, etc. We must repent, fast, and pray to cast them out.

  2. I just came upon your blog, so do pardon the untimely response. While I agree with much of what you write, I’m not convinced that the US has an obligation to support the State of Israel, or any other state. God’s covenantal response to the nations in Genesis 12:3 etc probably have to do with Jews as people rather than with the current political entity with its capitol in Jerusalem, which is not the ingathering prdicited in Scripture due to its official establishment of unbelief.

    That aside thee are plenty of practical reasons to support Israel, the most important being its relative protection of Christians and churches, and being an island if civilization is a sea of Islamic barbarity. As a nation state, though, God judges it like any other..

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